A couple of pictures from Hockeyfest: http://youtu.be/yCEbRy3HmAs | RA Tuesday team Hi Guys; 1. This Event is a CARHA Oldtimer hockey event and all players will have CARHA Insurance in case of serious injury while playing hockey, this insurance will cover you guys until the end of August in the advent of serious injury while playing hockey. The cost to the organizers is $12 per player, but it only cost us $10 each. Myself and Larry McNabb already have the coverage. So guys bring an extra $10 towards this. 2. I have parking passes for all our players, I would need a volunteer to meet the guys as they drive in on the day of our first game. I will be there at least 1 hour and 15 minutes prior to the game and give the volunteer the passes to hand out. It would be great if everyone was at the rink 1 hour before the game, so that we can plan strategy lol and not tie up the guy handing out the passes for more than 15 minutes. 3. I have Tickets for sale for the 80+ Hall of Fame game @ $5.00 each, they will be inducting players into the hall of fame and also have a builders category for Oldtimer hockey organizers. Last year this game had a segment on CTV news for the induction ceremony plus interviews with players and Moe Marchand who was the principal organizer of this event. 4. Bring an extra $5.00 to each game as there will be a 50/50 draw for each game, the money all goes to charities that the event supports. I won 2 years ago, spending money for beer.. There is a lot of buzz and talk around town of this HockeyFest 2012, which will be their biggest and best yet. See you there, Bert Cloutier 613-253-2389 613-601-6656 cell |