| HockeyFest 2012 HockeyFest IV schedule Hello Hockey Players:
The Ottawa Elder Skatesmen are holding this year's charity HockeyFest DURING THE FIRST TWO WEEKS OF APRIL, again at the University of Ottawa arena. Teams in the 60+ and 70+ categories are invited, and we are planning an 80+ game again, as well as initiating a "Builder's Hall of Fame" trophy. Finally, we are planning a Dinner (and possibly Dance) for players and their spouses afterwards to wrap things up.
Again, this is a friendly "fun" event, intended to support charity and to let players from different teams socialize on and off the ice. The Draft Pub is located above the arenas, and is ideal for socializing after the games. Games will be spread out over two weeks, because Easter falls in the middle of this period. For the week beginning Monday Apr-02, games are planned from Monday to Thursday. For the following week, games are planned from Monday to Wednesday.
The cost will be $450 per team. Each team will play 3 games in round-robin format; there will be no referees, and scores will not be recorded. Games will be non-contact, with no hooking. Players are asked to follow "Friendly Hockey" rules, e.g. maximum 3 goals /player /game; a puck lying in the blue paint is dead (to reduce risk to goalies); and if you go offside, please give the puck up to the other team.
Two charities will be selected - one Local and one International. We plan to have a draw for tax receipts, e.g. 3 players per team. Each player who wins a tax receipt will choose which charity to donate to. For the International charity, we are planning to support SchoolBOX, which is based in Almonte and works in Nicaragua, building classrooms and providing school supplies, etc. for children who might not otherwise be able to get an education.
The teams that played in HockeyFest last year have been contacted, and most are planning to play again this year. However, we do have room for ONE OR TWO ADDITIONAL TEAMS at this time. Also, some teams are SHORT A FEW PLAYERS, so if you would like play with one of these teams, please contact Dave Reeve.
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out. If you can help at the reception desk, sell some 50-50 tickets, or help in some other way, please let us know. We are considering taking Team Photos this year. If anyone would like to be involved in this or has any suggestions, please let us know.
Last year's HockeyFest raised $3,600, which went to support LiveWorkPlay, a local charity that helps intellectually challenged persons to have a good life, and the Canadian Red Cross for Japan Relief following their recent earthquake and tsunami. Our thanks to everyone who participated last year, and we hope to have another fun and successful event this year!
Ken Morin 613-727-6377, and Dave Reeve (email: reevdave@gmail.com; tel: 613-731-1090) for the HockeyFest Organizing Committee |
Hello Hockey Players:
HockeyFest begins Mon Apr-02, and the team organizers are putting the finishing touches on their teams. We are looking for a few more SPARES because some teams may be short a few players, including our "6070 Motley Crew" team (which will contain both 60+ and 70+ players) which was created to fill in for a missing team, and because we wanted to give as many players as possible a chance to play. Most of the players have already been contacted, but if you would like to play and are not yet on a team, or you are already on a team but would be interested in an extra game or two, please reply to this email or call Dave Reeve at 613-731-1090. Especially Goalies!!
The WRAPUP DINNER will be held Thursday evening Apr-12, at the Meule et Caquelon restaurant at 74 Greber in Gatineau. This is a Swiss-style restaurant that offers a unique menu: cheese fondue, Chinese fondue, and grill-at-your-table Raclette dishes. You can look them up on the internet at www.meuleetcaquelon.qc.ca , and more info will be available at the front desk at HockeyFest. We are not planning dance music this year, but this is definitely a couples event, although singles are most welcome also. Please mark this date in your calendar for an evening of unique food and company!! This is a bring-your-own-wine restaurant, with no corking fee.
The HALL OF FAME PRESENTATIONS and 80+ GAME will be held Wed Apr-04 from 10 am to 12 noon. This will include Hall of Fame inaugurations for Hockey Builders (new!), and for more 80+ players. This is a unique event, with pomp and circumstance, that you won't want to miss!!
Ken Morin for the HockeyFest Organizing Committee |